ABEG® method: lowering costs with ease
When it comes to selecting the right product in any industry, it helps to categorize the product range according to the ABEG® method. In addition to significant cost savings, it also gives the customer more flexibility. If a bearing is unavailable or too expensive, a suitable alternative can be found quickly and in a targeted manner.
Together with ABEG® (Advanced Bearing Expert Group), Findling Wälzlager has created a transparent and reliable basis for decision-making in order to prevent over- and undersizing of roller bearings. This means that customers really only pay for what they need. “Advising our customers according to the ABEG® method is our unique selling point and gives customers access to a unique range of rolling bearing technology from all over the world,” says Klaus Findling, Managing Director of Findling Wälzlager. “Our process has proven to be especially effective for industry-specific solutions.” The result of the consulting is a recommendation for one of four possible performance classes that enable savings of 25-30%. But ABEG® is not just about making a sound selection, but also about certainty in roller bearing procurement. In the event of a bottleneck at a supply plant, which is rare given a warehouse capacity of 1,300 tons of roller bearings over 5,500 m2, the customer can simply go with a product from another plant with the same performance class or a higher one.
What makes the ABEG® method used at Findling Wälzlager special is the classification of products into one of four performance classes: Premium, Supra, Eco and EasyRoll. This makes it possible to create a diverse range of rolling bearing technology with an extremely wide variety of performance levels. The advantages for customers are clear. Instead of dealing with the question of the actual service life of a product, which can hardly be determined by the user, the ABEG® pre-classification is used. Both design-related load rating differences and production methods, raw materials and components such as grease are taken into consideration. When calculating a product’s service life according to ABEG®, design engineers only need the web-based ABEG® Quickfinder. software. This makes it possible for them to select technically and economically optimum bearings significantly faster and to avoid over- and undersizing. The calculation programs from the ABEG® Quickfinder family are true selection geniuses because they show multiple possible alternatives in a clear and concise manner in a window of results: All potentially suitable bearings are shown in color. This makes it possible to select roller or plain bearings quickly and accurately in a way that is always financially optimal.
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